Are you confident in the loan to value ratios across your portfolio and would understanding current replacement costs give you more comfort on your security? Are you at risk of under insurance of assets by the borrower putting your loan at increased risk? Do you have adequate information on the assets you have lent against? Can you easily identify assets that could be under or over valued?
John Foord Analytics is a newly launched platform that offers financiers and banks an innovative and simple way of validating the information they are being provided with on insurance risks.
By entering a small number of, easy to access, data points on a location, lenders and investors can get instant understanding on the estimated reinstatement costs of a facility. This can help identify whether a facility is under insured, an often hidden risk to loan security.
If the estimated reinstatement cost is higher than expected, this could indicate an improved loan to value ratio. Across large portfolios, this may allow lenders to review their own capital requirement ratios or to offer borrowers improved loan terms.
Not only does a John Foord Analytics report give clients the comfort that values have been assessed independently. but by providing objective and researched validation of appropriate values, John Foord Analytics can assist in lending transactions, reduce discussion during loan approvals, provide consistency across diverse portfolios and identify possible gaps in value.